
Friday, September 30, 2011

Prayer for the Government

Here is a re-post from my beloved friend, Councilwoman Jill Miller Zimon of Pepper Pike.  In Richmond Heights, our government is in need of prayer for wisdom, justice, and peace.  When you take time to pray, remember your little city.

Prayer for our country
Our God and God of our ancestors, we invoke Your blessing upon our country, on the government and leaders of our nation, and on all who exercise rightful authority in our community. Instruct them out of Your law, that they may administer all affairs of state in justice and equity. May peace and security, happiness and prosperity, right and freedom forever abide among us.

Unite the inhabitants of our country, of all backgrounds and creeds, into a bond of true kinship, to banish hatred and bigotry, and to safeguard our ideals and institutions of freedom.

May this land under Your Providence be an influence for good throughout the world, uniting all people in peace and freedom, and helping to fulfill the vision of Your prophets:
“Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war any more.”
“For all people, both great and small,
Shall know the Lord.”
Jill Zimon writes a great blog.  I recommend that you visit it at

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Praise good work of Richmond Heights teachers, parents, students: Sun Messenger Letter to the Editor

Praise good work of Richmond Heights teachers, parents, students: Sun Messenger Letter to the Editor

Published: Friday, September 02, 2011, 4:47 PM

Let’s commend the teachers and students of Richmond Heights High School for their wonderfully improved performance on the Ohio Graduation Test. The Ohio Department of Education released its school report cards Aug. 23. The high school students had across the board improvement in all five categories.
Students taking the OGT in the 10th grade had at least a 9-point improvement in reading, math and writing. The most dramatic gain was in science, in which the students improved from a 59 percent passage rate in 2010 to a 71 percent passage rate in 2011.

Over the past two years, I have been honored to participate in the scholarship program run by the Richmond Heights Boosters’ Club. The civic-minded and hardworking women of the Boosters’ Club raise approximately $15,000 year to award to graduating seniors going to college. Through the interview process, I have been moved by the disciplined, ambitious and intelligent seniors at Richmond Heights. It is a pleasure to see that the OGT scores confirm what any involved parent or resident can see.

There are many other promising developments in the high school. The Ohio Department of Education awarded the school a $75,000 grant under the Safe and Drug Free Schools program. The Board of Education recently contracted with a consultant to further develop a culturally sensitive and relevant school environment. The Richmond Heights Back to School Day saw the introduction of Parents 4 Kids, a new parent group focusing its efforts on improving academic achievement.

There is an atmosphere of hopefulness and vigor at the high school. It’s time to praise the good works of the teachers, parents and students.

Miesha W. Headen
Richmond Heights