Bored with the stay-at-home humdrum? Why not use some of that extra free time to write a short story (up to three pages) or poem for the chance to win a $40 gift certificate for Loganberry Books and publication on Loganberry's blog and social media?
The topic is "My Favorite Imaginary Creature" and there will be prizes for three age groups: children (up to age 13), teens (up to age 19), and adults. Submissions will be accepted March 30-April 30, 2020. The contest will be judged by Loganberry Booksellers, and we're charging a $5 fee per entry (payable by PayPal to, by calling the store, or in our web store - search for "WRITCO") to help support Loganberry during our COVID19 closure. To sign up, please contact Thanks for sharing your Quarantine Imagination Time with us!
Here is the Loganberry website.
Here is the Loganberry website.
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